Energy Driven Agile is an agile transformation and executive coaching framework and agile Organization maturity assessment.

Focusing on an individual or organization’s resonating energy establishes a starting point for the coaching relationship to begin if the individual or organization would like to modify energy levels to increase the likelihood of a sustainable agile or Executive transformation. Pre and Post energy assessments over a period of time lead to an agile maturity assessment that is unique and based on behavior not perceived behavior.

Understanding the different levels of energy answers questions during an agile or executive transformation such as:

  • Why do I get upset when things do not go my way?

  • Why do I consistently replay events in my head?

  • Why do I feel the need to constantly fight for myself?

  • Why do I feel the need to always protect myself?

  • Why do I make selfish decisions?

  • Why do I get caught up in other people's issues?

  • Why do I take so many risks?


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Chris Lewis